News Clips 2024
23 Oct 2024: Choosing the right manager has significant financial consequences, as it can impact the portfolio’s ability to reach desired outcomes.” Read More…
6 July 2024:Nobody gets married planning to divorce one day. Yet it is a reality of modern life.” Read More…
27 January 2024:Investing can be a daunting prospect, especially for women who face unique challenges and societal pressures.” Read More…
News Clips 2023
1 Dec 2023:When you design a garden, you consider many facts. The soil type, weather conditions, availability of sufficient water and the space for a brilliant garden design to deliver the gardening success you desire. “ Read More…
1 Dec 2023:In partnership with Brenthurst Wealth, Val de Vie Estate’s Garden Competition rewards residents who contribute to their neighborhoods by taking pride in their gardens. “ Read More…
28 Oct 2023: In the last 10 years, South African investors have not been rewarded for taking equity-type risk if most of their wealth was invested in the JSE.” Read More…
14 Oct 2023: It is well known that for more than a decade, Brenthurst Wealth has been advocating investing in the offshore market. “ Read More…
3 June 2023: Before making a decision, weigh the pros and cons of each option “ Read More…
19 Februarie 2023: Die Cyril Ramaphosa-bewind is klaarblyklik slegte nuus vir die rand “ Read More…
9 Januarie 2023: Hestek sê hy word gereeld gekritiseer oor sy siening dat plaaslike beleggers eerder meer geld oorsee moet belê en word daarvan beskuldig dat hy krities oor Suid-Afrika is” Read More…
News Clips 2022
3 December 2022: After a tough year, the December break is a chance for most to let loose and have fun with family and friends, away from daily stress and routine.” Read More…
1 December 2022: He’s been advising on retirement for more than a quarter of a century “and my happiest clients are those who’ve had a plan for their life after retirement.” Read More…
19 November 2022: Predicting the future might be a fool’s errand, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be planning your financial future. Especially in the context of the highly anticipated global recession and how this may affect investment returns in the coming years. Read More…
22 October 2022: Moneyweb reader asked: Please can you do an article on the performance of retirement annuities (RA) over the last 20 years? Read More…
8 September 2022: It is South African Wills Week, and according to the Master of the High Court, almost 80% of South Africans don’t have a valid will in place, which made the fact that thousands of people were unable to draw up a will during strict Covid lockdown, and a rising death rate, even more concerning. Read More…
27 August 2022: Having the most developed and sophisticated financial sector of any country in Africa, South Africa was poised, some years ago, to be the financial hub for the continent, or at least for the continent south of the Sahara. Read More…
27 August 2022: (Page 7) The extreme market votality and uncertainty of the past 2 years have been a rude wake-up call for investors who had been feeling secure in their retirement plans Read More…
3 August 2022: With poverty, unemployment and inequality at record levels, the idea of basic income grant (BIG) is in the news again Read More…
June 2022: A moneyweb reader asks: Is it now a good time to invest in income funds, with the rising interest rates? Read More…
June 2022: Inflation has dominated financial news since the start of 2022. Global inflation has reached the highest levels in decades. Read More…
June 2022: Top Private Banks & Wealth Managers – All the winners Read More…
June 2022: The decision by regulators to allow retirement funds to take up to 45% of their funds offshore, up from 30%, brings a wave of change. Investors are allowed to invest a larger slice offshore, where there is an ocean of opportunity. Read More…
25 May 2022: Mike Schüssler kon met vlymskerp ontleding die skete en pyne van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie ontblood en vir gewone mense verstaanbaar maak. Read More…
25 May 2022: Tributes poured in yesterday for Mike Schüssler, a well-known economist and founder of, saying that South Africa had lost an “economic giant”, a “great mind” who had left “an indelible mark as an economist”. Read More…
25 May 2022: Founder of Economists dot coza, Mike Schüssler, dies yesterday at age 60 following a short fight against cancer, leaving behind his wife, Greta and son Rudi. Read More…
News Clips 2021
20 August 2021: Sygnia executive chair Magda Wierzycka said there are plenty of investment opportunities and there is no shortage of interesting investments – just not in South Africa, during a webinar hosted by Brenthurst Wealth Management. Read More…
1 July 2021: SA’s Middle class has shrunk – and is poorer than it was before 2020, writes Donald Pressly Read More…
1 June 2021: Goeie geldbestuur loop hand aan hand met goeie selfbeeld, goeie gesondheid en optimistiese lewensuitkyk Read More…
26 June 2021: Parents want the best for children and make every effort to give them a strong foundation to successful lives once they become adults Read More…
29 May 2021: Anyone who has some life experience will tell you that life is not black and white, but rather different shades of grey. This concept is just as true when it comes to investing, with all the different variables and risks that investors need to consider with their respective investments. Read More…
29 April 2021: Strong views are expressed as the finalisation of land expropriation legislation draws near, writes Donwald Pressly Read More…
29 April 2021: We’ve all read the studies on the impact emotion has on investments – and the outcome is seldom, in fact, rarely, good. Read More…
17 April 2021: Investors like to compare their portfolios with others and not just those of friends and family. No, investors like to compare their portfolio performance to those who achieved the best possible returns. Read More…
13 April 2021: Die rede wat Absa aanvoer vir sy besluit om die Absa Money Market Fund (AMMF) te sluit, oortuig nie almal nie Read More…
12 April 2021: Investment experts are questioning Absa’s decision to close down its money market fund as the decision will lock in customers who follow the bank’s advice to move their money to an Absa fixed deposit account, while paying higher fees. Read More…
29 September 2020: In the inaugural episode of the BizNews Power Hour, Brenthurst Wealth management founder Magnus Heystek joined Jackie Cameron to discuss new draft amendments to Regulation 28 – which governs the way pension funds can allocate your assets. Read More…
News Clips 2020
29 September 2020: Investing locally or offshore can be challenging with so much more to consider than just market returns and costs. Various structures are available to make offshore allocations, whether it is a share portfolio, unit trust or structured note, with different tax regimes applicable to respective jurisdictions like inheritance tax in the UK or estate duties in the US, as well as capital gains and income taxes back home. Read More…
28 September 2020:A prominent Cape Town-based entrepreneur and businessperson, Chris Engelbrecht, the managing director of Supertech Yachts, Super Syrups and various other companies, and also the chairperson of Asasi, spotted a unique opportunity for investors interested in broadening investment portfolios in Mauritius. Read More…
9 Augustus 2020: Vanuit feitlik alle oorde – binnelands en ook buitelands – word die ANC-regering gemaan om drasties ingrypende veranderinge aan die land se ekonomiese bestuur teweeg te bring ten einde groeie aan te wakker en die land beter te bestuur. Read More…
2 Julie 2020: Met die ekonomie wat bloei, speel die ANC-regering met vuur deur voort te gaan om grondonteiening sonder vergoeding te laat ondersoek. Read More…
17 May 2020: Teen hierdie tyd weet lesers al dat die afgelope 10 jaar nie ‘n goeie tyd vir beleggers op die JSE en sy verwante produkte soos effektetrusts en aftreefondse was nie. Read More…
10 May 2020: Tot en met ongeveer 2010 het’n aandelebelegging in die JSE oor ‘n tydperk van feitlik 100 jaar een van die beste opbrengste ter wereld gelewer – hetsy internasionaal of plaaslik. Read More…
News Clips 2019
30 October 2019: When you’re caught up in the daily grind of working and taing are of your family, retirement can feel like it’s really far off and not something you have the time or energy to worry about. Read More…
28 October 2019: Investing offshore provides investors with an opportunity to reduce their exposure to local risk. Read More…
28 October 2019: Earlier this month, Eluid Kiocoge from Kenya became the first person in recorded history to run a 42km marathon in less than 2 hours. Read More…
21 October 2019: While speculation abounds and scare tactics surface every now and then, details are scant about the state’s plan to prescribe SA’s pension funds. Read More…
16 September 2019: Beleggers moet die optimale balans tussen risiko en opbrengste tref. Bateklas-beperkinge in die Wet op Pensionfondse knou jou aftree-neseier, skryf Suzean Haumann. Read More…
16 September 2019: I fully own Comapny A, which owns shares in Company B. Company B went through a funding round and I’m selling some shares belonging to Company A. Read More…
2 August 2019:It has been a depressing news period in South Africa, and it can perhaps be seen as our “winter of discontent”. Read More…
1 August 2019:Offshore diversification has always been a prudent approach for local investors to de-risk their portfolios, but the pace and scale of capital flight from SA since 2018 has been unprecedented. Read More…
26 June 2019:Selfs na die langste bulmark in die geskiedenis van die Amerikaanse aandelebeurse glo sommige beleggingskenners daar is nog heelwat fut in oorsese markte. Read More…
26 June 2019:Trade and industry minister Ebrahim Patel made headlines shortly after his appointment by focusing attention on the ANC’s call for “prescribed assets”. Read More…
9 Junie 2019:Dis moeilik om te verstaan – gegewe die ekonomiese skokke wat die land nou met reelmaat tref – dat seker beleggers nog traag is om buitelandse beleggings te oorweeg. Read More…
16 Junie 2019:Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa sal na verwagting in die komende week in sy staatsrede hom op pensioenfondse beroep om die sukkelende ekonomie weer aan die gang te help kry. Read More…
2 Junie 2019:Die meeste beleggers is teen hierdie tyd sekerlik bewus daarvan dat hulle te min blootstelling aan buitelandse bates in hul portefeuljes het. Read More…
13 April 2019:There are so many options in terms of where to invest and what unit trust products to use, but my advice would be for your children to firstly took at tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs). Read More…
14 March 2019: The decisions we make at retirement are probably the most important and daunting decisions we will ever make, ultimately determining the success of our retirement plan and financial well-being in later years.Read More…
14 February 2019: I was at an investment conference last year, and a presenter at this conference, reffered to a painting, which left a big impression on me. Read More…
15 January 2019: Many people think they have lots of time to save, for instance for retirement, and sicover too late that they need a few more income earning years. Read More…
News Clips 2018
14 Oktober 2018: We are getting to that time of year with the December holidays fast approaching. During this time most of us like to take stock on what we accomplished during the year. Read More…
14 Oktober 2018: Boodskappers van ouds – voor die era van e-posse, selfone en selfs Twitter – het in vrees geleef dat hulle met die oordrag van slegte nuus dalk hul kop kon verboor Read More…
27 Augustus 2018: Have a plan, and stick to it. The most repeated question of recent times is: “What do you think the rand will do in the next few motnhs?” No one has the answer.Read More…
27 Augustus 2018: I am 65 and retired. I could only invest R500 000 in a medium risk equity / unit trust fund with emphasis on growth. My money has been invested since 11/05/2015. Read More…
18 Augustus 2018: Ons het onlangs die voorreg geahd om ‘n spoggerige geldinsamelingsgeleentheid vir die Newborns Trust Groote Schuur by The Bay-hotel by te woon Read More…
28 July 2018: When planning for your retirement, you want new ideas to construct an optimum solution Read More…
19 July 2018: Money is something no one wants to waste, but there are certain mistakes most people tend to make Read More…
9 July 2018: Life’s little curve balls have a tremendous impact on holistic financial planning. Read More…
5 July 2018: Not everyone is a natural-born savvy saver, and sometimes just paying the bills and not using your credit card is a win for the month Read More…
5 July 2018: If you do go this route, make sure you keep monthly repayments in mind, as these need to be factored into your monthly budget Read More…
1 July 2018: Ten years of wealth destruction under former president Jacob Zuma meant South Africa was one of very few countries that has not recovered after the financial crisis. Read More…
27 June 2018: Free tertiary education, land expropriation, minimum wages, unbudgeted government staff pay hike Read More…
21 June 2018: Is jy oppad na finansiele onafhanklikheid? Read More…
24 May 2018: If the government expropriates viable commercial land without compensation, the markets will show displeasure Read More…
17 May 2018: Don’t channel all your savings into money market investments Read More…
1 May 2018:Add emigration into the mix, and the concepts seem somewhat unclear Read More…
1 May 2018: Making a plan and having a great sense of humour keep up the spirits of intrepid investors trying to go at it alone.Read More…
30 April 2018:Fear and anxiety about market vlatility, coupled with a low-growth environment, often drive retirement investors to low-risk investment options Read More…
23 April 2018: Many recent tax changes affect estate planning anf the cost of estate administration. Brenthurst’s Rozanne Heystek-Potgieter and I compiled a list of important issues when navigating deceased estate administration. Read More…
25 Mar 2018: Skaars n kwartaal nadat die Steinhoff bom gebars het dreig nog n beleggingskandaal…Read More…
19 Mar 2018: Suppose you’re rendering services in SA on behalf of a business base abroad…Read More…
12 Mar 2018: Long term successful investment gives you above average returns at acceptable levels of risk…Read More…
12 Mar 2018: Three of the biggest risks someone close to /at retirement faces are longevity, inflation and…Read More…
08 Mar 2018:Some two years ago I was looking for a property investment that was not too expensive …Read More…
17 Feb 2018: A fund of funds (fof) offering is an investment strategy whereby a different selection of funds are held within a singular fund…Read More…
06 Feb 2018: Despite the rand’s surge over the last 12 months, the JSE wasn’t the best-performing country in investment returns…Read More…
06 Feb 2018: Despite the rand’s surge over the last 12 months, the JSE wasn’t the best-performing country in investment returns…Read More…
27 Jan 2018: If your emigration might only be temporary, it might be in your best interest to move your pension into a preservation fund…Read More…
18 Jan 2018: Take charge of your financial situation by doing something small every month…Read More…
14 Jan 2018: In vandag se internasionale konteks het verskillende geografiese liggings meestal relevansie verloor as dit kom by aandele…Read More…
14 Jan 2018: Al hoe meer welgestelde Suid-Afrikaners verkoop hul eiendom en diversifiseer hul beleggings…Read More…
07 Jan 2018: Beleggings, die beste bateklasse en bitcoin is die feestyd tot vervelens om die braaivleisvure bespreek…Read More…
News Clips 2017
28 November 2017:It’s the socialist direction we’ve taken over the past few years…Read More…
26 November 2017:Die beleggings bedryf val al die afgelope paar maande…Read More…
15 November 2017:Country has reached the point where it’s time to panic…Read More…
04 Oktober 2017:Suid-Afrika se bellegingsopbrengste word vernietig deur ‘n dekade van ekonomiese wanbestuur…Read More…
01 Oktober 2017:Suid-Afrika se bellegingsopbrengste word vernietig deur ‘n dekade van ekonomiese wanbestuur…Read More…
01 October 2017:How investors should be navigating the uncertain climate…Read More…
28 September 2017:We’re witnessing the true financial cost of Hurricane Jacob Zuma and his ANC cronies on every South African whose wealth is tied up in JSE investments…Read More…
22 September 2017:Long-term investing: ‘We tell clients if you stay invested, you will actually work through those losses and get your gains again’…Read More…
16 September 2017:The less time you have to save, the less capital you’ll have at retirement…Read More…
01 September 2017:Financial planners are usually measured one dimensionally by clients..Read More…
01 September 2017:My comments in last month’s article about regulation 28 and the stranglehold that it imposes..Read More…
31 August 2017:The challenging investment environment forced the company
to use daring strategies that paid off and propelled its growth…Read More…
20 August 2017: Die rubriek van Frans Cronje van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Rasseverhoudinge in verlede week…Read More…
01 August 2017:Every time you look at your salary do you wonder where all your hard earned cash is going?…Read More…
27 July 2017: Capital flows to where it is made to feel welcome…Read More…
27 July 2017: The vast majority of South Africans don’t save…Read More…
25 July 2017: If SARS can force companies in low-income tax jurisdictions to report salaries payable to SA taxpayers it may result in aggressive tax avoidance measures…Read More…
13 July 2017: Inheritance: do we go for a trust for minors?Read More…
10 July 2017: The news that Amazon was looking to take over Whole Foods caused the share prices to rocket, while almost every other retailer in the USA and UK — Wall Mart, Target, Tesco — slumped instantaneously…Read More…
30 April 2017:Die vele moontlikhede van Suid-Afrika se hertoelating tot ‘n gesaghebbende wêreldwye indeks oor buitelandse investering…Read More…
16 April 2017: As jy nog nie jou geld in die buitaland belê het nie, is nou ‘n goeie tyd om op the hou uitstel…Read More…
04 March 2017: LIVING ANNUITY: Should last 20 to 25 years depenging on risk…Read More…
7 Jan 2017: Wall Street has powered ahead in the last 5 years, returning a whopping 91.7% while local investors on the JSE have winkled out a paltry 8.6%…Read More…
News Clips 2016
6 November 2016:Geld kan nie alles koop nie, maar kan superryk Suid-Afrikaanse beleggers ver bring, selfs na lande soos Malta, Singapoer, Nieu-Seeland en nou ook Amerika…Read More…
20 October 2016:The ongoing Gordhan-NPA Saga seems to be having the dreaded influence on the economy. Reports say SA has seen a substantial outflow of foreign investor money since the beginning of the whole issue….Read More…
14 October 2016:The president seems determined once again put his personal ambitions before the interests of millions of South Africans…Read More…
11 October 2016:South Africans are to be given one last chance to come clean and admit to offshore holdings that they have previously not declared…Read More…
01 October 2016:Nearly two years ago Stanlib closed its Science and Technology Fund to local investors…Read More…
20 September 2016: Think about Hollywood blockbuster movies like Gattica and Splice, where healthy, genetically modified children are a standard feature in everyday life…Read More…
11 September 2016:Op ‘n moeilike tydstip in die aanloop tot die politieke oorgang van die 1990’s het ‘n voormalige senior Nasionale Party-leier…Read More…
21 August 2016:Al blyk daarn min keer te wees aan die gewildheid van wildveilings, die pryse wat vir teeldiere betaal word en die entoesiasme…Read More…
19 August 2016:Is South Africa’s buy-to-let property market still a sure thing?Read More…
04 August 2016:Globally, customer expectations are being driven by the slick experience they are receiving from disruptive solutions in other industries…Read More…
02 August 2016:It’s hanging over your portfolio like a black cloud. It’s threatening your income, your investments and your
financial future.Read More…
15 July 2016:The somewhat tongue-in-cheek word semigration, for South Africans was dreamed up to describe the migration of…Read More…
15 July 2016:Conventional widom often earns big rewards, but markets change and that’s when your sure thing can take a massive bit out of your returns…Read More…
01 July 2016: So far 2016 is shaping up as the year of the financial yo-yo, with economists trailing movements by local politicians and credit rating services…Read More…
09 June 2016: Geld in die bank beteken nie noodwendig jy is ryk nie. Deskundiges gee raad oor oor hoe jy met die minimum bydraes…Read More…
08 June 2016: Magnus Heystek says many retirement portfolio plans are not coming together like they used to..Read More…
01 June 2016: In the good old days of affordable, constant electricity supply, when fuel cost about the same pe litre as milk, manufacturing was the mainstay of the economy…Read More…
19 May 2016: Interest in offshore assets is continuing following strong offshore flows at the end of last year…Read More…
19 May 2016: Offshore investing has never been easier with a wide range of options open to today’s savvy investors…Read More…
19 May 2016: When South Africans were first allowed to invest offshore many people did so as a purely defensive measure…Read More…
12 May 2016: With an estimated 60 000 employees facing retrenchment over the past year, it would be wise to consider what you would do if you were to lose your job…Read More…
28 April 2016: South Africa is facing financial headwinds, such as an imminent ratings downgrade, significant political uncertainty, the worst drought in decades, poor econom-ic growth prospects and a depre-ciating rand.Read More…
09 April 2016: Jacob Zuma will be remembered for many things – being accused of rape to Waterkloof-gate, Nkandlagate, Nenegate… corruption, cronyism and scandals. Read More…
09 February 2016:2016 did not start well for South Africa. The rand hit new record lows, capital flight surged, credit ratings agencies warned of another potential downgrade and growth was slashed. Read More…
07 February 2016: Vir die meeste Suid-Afrikaners is emigrasie na gesogte bestemmings soos Britanje, Australië, Nieu-Seeland, end die VSA neusie verby. Read More…
21 January 2016: Ever caught yourself in a vicious cycle of spending money as soon as it’s deposited in your bank account, or blowing the budget because you would rather splash out on a good time now only to regret it later? Read More…
13 January 2016: The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) said it is “deeply incensed and disappointed” to hear that President Jacob Zuma has now officially signed all tax legislation from 2015 into law.Read More…
News Clips 2015
10 December 2015: If you save just enough to last for the first 15 years after you retire it means you probably expect to die before you’re 80.
Read More…
01 December 2015; Art can be enjoyed for years and should hold its value – remember, the fewer editions, the rarer it is, and, hopefully, the more likely it is to make money.
Read More…
12 November 2015:”Net sowat 5% van Suid-Afrikaners sit genoeg geld weg vir hul aftrede ” se Brian Butchart, besturende direkteur van Brenthurst Wealth.Read More…
12 November 2015:”Only about 5% of South Africans save enough money to be able to retire ” according to Brian Butchart, MD at Brenthurst Wealth.Read More…
11 November 2015:”Die hele gesprek oor aftrede het ‘n kopskuif nodig” se Brian Butchart, besturende direkteur van Brenthurst Wealth.Read More…
30 October 2015: A local businessman has been accused of allegedly running a Ponzi / Pyramid scheme after alleged investors came forward recentlyRead More…
08 October 2015:Die meeste mense neem aftreeprodukte uit met die hoop dat hul spaargeld na aftrede voldoende maande-likse inkomste sal bied…Read More…
08 October 2015:Most people take out retirement products with the hopes that their savings will provide sufficient monthly income once they retire… Read More…
01 October 2015:The financial services industry in South Africa is one of the most efficient and admired sectors of the economy and as a result, one of the most competitive.Read More…
01 October 2015: The aim of an FPI Approved Professional Practice is to provide professional financial planning for their clients and to assist them in meeting those financial goals.Read More…
29 September 2015: Are our economists speaking their minds or just speaking up their books? Certainly, their forecasts have a poor track record.Read More…
‘n Mens sou ‘n lang lys van redes kon gee waarom Suid-Afrikaners in belang van hulle gesin se finansiële toekoms oorsee wou belê Read More…
August 2015:Property is not the largest investment the ordinary person will ever make – as the industry likes to claim.Read More…
30 July 2015:THE high net worth client market offers both opportunities and challenges. Read More…
30 July 2015:THE stocks in the all share index have done extremely well for investors over the past 13 years, and from 2001 to 2014 – except for three years 2002, 2008 and 2011 –Read More…
2 July 2015:Renee Eagar from Brenthurst shares ways to SAVE MONEY.Read More…
11 June 2015:As alles goed gaan, sal jy waarskynlik die laaste 30 jaar van jou !ewe nie werk nie.Read More…
24 April 2015:Wat sal finansieel met jou gebeur as jy jou werk verloor? Sal jy in staat wees om jou uitgawes te dek totdat jy weer ‘n inkomste verdien?Read More…
20 March 2015: We are often paralysed by the idea of investing, but becoming a successful investor starts long before y ou make your first investment.Read More…
1 March 2015: In almost 35 years of reporting on, and thereafter advising on investment markets, I cannot remember the first day of the new year being filled with more uncertainty and ‘Black Swan’ events as the present. Read More…
4 February 2015: There cannot be many households in the world that have a living link to Stalingrad, one of the most brutal and savage battles of World War 2 between the Germans and the Russian troops. Read More…
Feb 2015: Die idee van ‘n testament opstel is tegnies en emosioneel oorweldigend. Richus Nel, van Brenthurst Wealth Management, gee raad om die bul by die horings te pak.Read More…
25 January 2015: Biotechnology sits at the very edge of the scientific envelope and backing this kind of research with your own money is not for the fainthearted. Read More…