3 steps to mastering a debt-free retirement

*This content is brought to you by Brenthurst Wealth By Maria Smit* Do you picture yourself entering retirement without the burden of loans or credit card debt, or is your reality a bit more harsh? For many South Africans, the reality isn’t very often a debt-free one,...

Strategies for the sandwich generation

*This content is brought to you by Brenthurst Wealth Leslie Greyling* We have all heard of the term “sandwich generation “, this refers to a generation of people who have to support their parents and adult kids financially. We find ourselves in this situation when...

Can slow and steady win the retirement race?

*This content is brought to you by Brenthurst Wealth By Charize Beukes* When planning for retirement, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the investment options that you hear you could or should be using. It doesn’t help that the world around us seems to be getting...

Protect your digital legacy

*This content is brought to you by Brenthurst Wealth By Rozanne Heystek-Potgieter, CFP® * The laws that govern the fundamentals of a valid will has not changed since 1953, but the landscape in which estate planning and will drafting is done now, has gone through...